Why This Blog?
For long I
have been asking myself this question: Why the human race, despite all its
achievements has got stock with the “either-or” mindset: I can either be a
vegan or a meat eater, a Christian or a Muslim, a democrat or a republication.
Why not Both, why not All?
I believe our
education and upbringing have conditioned us to see life in fragments: mine,
yours, theirs. This has caused a collective mindset of separation and isolation
with considerable cost – personal, social and material – leading to, among others, disconnection, loneliness, and anxiety.
Could seeing
the big picture change that?
As we go through life, we are given or acquire ‘labels’: my name, my nationality, my job, my religion, my, my … Over time, these become my identity and I come to define myself by these attributes, and defend them with all my might!
ReplyDeleteIn essence though, I am not my job or my country - I am a member of the human race. My job is what I do and my country is what I love and my culture is what I cherish. But none of these should prevent me from appreciating other jobs, or love other nations or cultures. That is one way to get around the “either-or”.