Knowledge is the source of human strength and prosperity. Knowing your true self is no exception and is a life changer.  It helps a man walk with greater vision.  It transforms human values, objectives, and the experience of life.

              Humans are unique creatures with immense capabilities.  The human brain is a small mass of flesh.  What gives the human brain its immense power is the key to the recognition of man’s true self.

I.               THE DUAL NATURE OF MAN

              Science focuses on the nature and response of material elements.  Human senses have limited capability.  They can only detect matter.  The combination of the nature of science and the limitation of the senses has led to the common misunderstanding that matter is all there is.  However, based on both physical and biological sciences, matter is not all there is.  (1) Sunlight is not composed of mineral elements; yet, it is instrumental in the existence of all of the plants on earth.  It is the means for the development of oxygen in the atmosphere and has been instrumental in  the existence of all creatures on earth.  The sudden appearance of the universe implies that there is more in the world than just visible matter.   This article explores the fact that the reality of man is not limited to the world of flesh. The physical nature of humans is thoroughly explored in biological sciences.  However, the source and nature of the inner forces of comprehension, intellectual vision, memory and decision-making, among many other human distinctions, are not well understood and are the subject of this presentation.


            Matter is fully bound by material laws.  Humans break material laws.  This implies that humans are not just a mass of matter.  References to humans as machines is common in our time.  It is based on the belief that matter is all there is and reflects a failure to appreciate and recognize the noble nature of being a human.  The distinctions of humans which are absent in all mechanical devices are numerous and include:

a.       Self consciousness;

b.      Ability to break material laws;

c.       Division and proliferation of cells;

d.      Experience of love;

e.      Regeneration and multiplication of species;

f.        Orderly growth;

g.       Comprehension;

h.      Self healing and recovery;

i.         Improvement with exercise and use;

j.         Intellectual inventions;

k.       Vision of past and future;

l.         Appreciation of music and arts;

m.      Self sacrifice for the benefit of others.

One example of these distinctions is demonstrated by situations involving young patients with critical seizures where it is necessary to remove half the brain.  In those instances, the remaining half of the brain alters its own nature and takes over the activities of the missing half.  There is great wisdom in this phenomenon.  A muffler in a car certainly cannot transform itself to take over the job of a transmission.  Such a brain transformation  is against the thermodynamic laws of matter, which indicate that ungoverned change is always in the direction of least resistance, from composed order into disorder.  The purposeful transformation of the brain after its partial removal requires an external causation.  The life essence is essential and instrumental in all of the human distinctions missing in human- created devices. 


            The majority of people in our time believe that life is the result of the orderly composition of the mineral elements of the body.  There are both physical and biological evidences which confirm the error of this assumption.  First, one of the distinctions of a human  is man’s ability to breakdown the material laws of which they are made, as stated earlier.  An example of this ability is the landing on the moon or the breaking of atoms.  Matter by itself is bound by material laws.  There are no exceptions.  Matter cannot give what it does not have.  All planets in the universe are bound by material laws without exception.  The life essence is not the result of the orderly composition of the human body.  To the contrary, there are numerous evidences confirming that the order and maintained integrity of the body is solely due to the life essence.

              The biological evidences which reveal the nature and functions of the invisible life essence and its functions are numerous.  Life begins with the merger, a sperm and an egg, resulting in the formation of the infant’s very first zygote cell and the formation of the infant’s DNA.

              DNA is submicroscopic.  The sample of DNA of all the people on earth can fit within two medical capsules.  There are two identical spirals in each DNA.  Each DNA string is about two meters long and 3.2 billion rungs or steps are attached thereto.  The merger of the one-half DNA of each sperm and egg for the development of the DNA of an infant clearly requires an external causation.  Considering the infinitesimal size of a DNA, bringing two half DNA together, aligning 3.2 billion submicroscopic steps of DNA together and the orderly glueing of every step to its specific mirror step requires a supernatural power missing within the small mass of DNA itself.  The life essence is essential and instrumental in the process.  This is one of the many evidences confirming the reality of the life essence as the possessor of a supernatural power.

              The display of the power of life continues when the very first zygote cell divides in two and forms two cells.  The fabrication of a new complete DNA with two identically curved spirals each containing 3.2 billion rungs, with each rung designed to serve a very complex function, is more complex and sophisticated than the development of the zygote cell itself.

              In this division process, some 20,000 DNA are constructed in every second during pregnancy until a single zygote cell is transformed into a human.  Every step in the process of the development of the brain and other organs is a display of creative power.  According to biological books, DNA is the developer and the builder.  It is generally recognized that DNA is a very sophisticated mechanical structure without life or metabolism.  Construction requires comprehension, vision, a brain, physical ability and mobility none of which are found in dead DNA.  This misinformation by biologists has been a historical failure.

 The function of every living cell in the body requires an external causation and is beyond the capacity of the minute mass of matter of a cell.  White cells, which have no visionary mechanism,  can identify alien bacteria in the blood even if the difference is only a single atom. They then they choose the right weapon which will destroy the alien.  At times they choose to swallow the bacteria; other times they splash deadly chemicals on the bacteria.  Dead white cells are a dead mass of matter.  Life energy is the force behind the function and capability of white cells.


              Based on the functions of computers, it is generally recognised that the brain cannot function without communication between its  cells.  The conversation between two individuals requires that both parties have a brain, comprehension skills, a memory of words, and a supply of information.  Two microscopic cells are like two particles of dust.  The subject of the discussion between two brain neuron cells could include complex mathematical topics.  The first cell needs to conceive ideas, select words, compose them in proper order, and have the means to communicate them.  The second cell needs to have the ability to hear, as well as the ability to comprehend, before conceiving, deciding, articulating and delivering a rational response.  In addition, there must be an agreement between the billions of brain cells as to the meaning of words or signals conveyed.  This is to say that all cells must speak the same language.  These realities confirm that the communication between two microscopic brain cells requires an external causation.      There is no communication between dead cells.  The life essence is essential for interactions between cells.  The fact that the life essence is essential for the communication between brain cells is very significant.  What this discovery means is that the living life force governs all of our brain functions.  Memory, comprehension, vision, mobility, decision-making, and bodily functions are all dependent upon the impulse of life.  The reality of man is the invisible inner life energy within man.  The life essence is a significant element of the human experience of life.  In the course of time, this finding has the capacity to transform the field of biology.  Contrary to materialist ideology, matter is not the governing fabric of the universe.

Prof. Mendelsohn of the University of Melbourne states:  “The brain is the most complicated object in the Universe”. (2)  The largest computer in the world, built in Switzerland with the support of thirteen European institutes, can simulate the actions of the brain.  Physical examination of the brain shows it to be just a small mass of flesh.  We have difficulty understanding the brain because we are looking in the wrong direction.  The brain is the medium of interconnection between the will of the inner life force and the physical nature of humans.  The small mass of flesh in the brain is not behind Alexis Lemaire’s calculation of the 13th root of a 20 digit number, without a computer, within 70.2 seconds, as supported by the Guinness Book of World Records.  We have to look in the direction of the life essence within for an answer to that capability.  The small flesh of his brain, fully bound by material laws, is not the provider of the answer.  It is true that tampering with the brain will effect memory and other functions.  However, this is not sufficient to prove that the brain is the depository of information and the source of man’s abilities.  Tampering with a radio will stop the music.  The radio is not the source of the sounds of a concert.  The radio is simply the medium by which the sounds of the music are reflected.

              The key to recognising the mystery of the nature of the brain is the realization that, without the impulse of life, the human brain is a mass of matter.  The significant role of the vital spark of life was explored in more detail earlier.   (3).   Recent discoveries at Princeton University have confirmed that the brain’s neuron cells, like all other cells in the body, have a limited life expectancy and are periodically replenished.  Thus, the brain you now have is not the one you had 50 years ago.  Yet, 80 year old memories are clear.  What this means is that the brain is not the depository of memories.  There can be no comprehension without the knowledge of the  information.  Consequently, the source of comprehension, as well, is the life force within.

There are two sides to the human existence.  One is man’s physical nature with its five senses, which are the means for humans relating to the external world.  This physical nature of man is well explored by the biological sciences.  The second side consists of the inner powers of comprehension and intellectual vision, which are the source of a human’s capabilities and distinctions.  The reality of the living force is the most hidden of the hidden.  The invisible nature of the vital spark of life has misled people to fail to recognise their true selves.

Evolution can only transform the order of a matter’s composition.  However, the invisible spirit of life which elevates the human above minerals is immune from composition and decomposition.  The inner vital spirit of life is not of material essence and is independent of evolution.

The awareness of the true self is not feasible without the recognition of the inner vital breath of the spirit of life.  The reality of man is the essence of life which is a greater blessing to man than the gift of flesh.  The ultimate aspiration of the spirit of life is to unite with its maker.    Such a union is the climax of the 13 billion years of man’s evolutionary development.         

                             Say:  Nature in its essence is the embodiment of My Name, the Maker, the Creator.  Its manifestations are diversified by varying causes, and in this diversity there are signs for men of discernment.  Nature is God’s Will and is its expression in and through the contingent world.  It is a dispensation of Providence ordained by the Ordainer, the All-Wise....         

O Son of being

With the hands of power I made thee and with the fingers of strength I created thee and within thee have I placed the essence of My Light... 

I loved Thy creation, hence I created thee.  Wherefore, do thou love me that I may name thy name....

Love Me, that I may love thee.  If thou lovest me not, My love can in no wise reach thee.... 

Veiled in My immemorial being and in the ancient Eternity of My Essence, I knew my love for thee, therefore I created thee, have engraved on thee Mine image and have revealed to thee My beauty....

Out of the clay of love I molded thee, how dost thou busy thyself with another?  Turn thy sight into thyself, that thou mayest find me standing within thee, mighty, powerful and self-subsisting. 

Based on these passages, the spirit of life is the light of the source of our being.  It would be a heartfelt loss for a man to fail to recognise that his life’s existence is a love story.  Recognition of one’s true self transforms the meaning and purpose of life.  The pure essence of religious ideology is such recognition.  There is always a price to be paid for human errors.  The failure to know one’s spiritual nature is the most costly of all human mistakes.  Being aware of our spiritual nature is conducive to knowing the existence of the source of our being, the Creator and Ordainer.  


(1)               “Matter is not all there is”, Google Blog of Cyrus Varan.

(2)               Prof. Fred Mendelsohn, New Zealand Herald, Oct. 11, 2013.

(3)               “The Puzzle of Cell Proliferation”, Google Blog of Cyrus Varan.

(4)               “The Hidden Words”, Baha’i Faith




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