
Showing posts from February, 2020

Why do we think the way we do?

The unleashed power of the atom has changed everything save our modes of thinking , and we thus drift toward unparalleled catastrophes.                                                                                                             Albert Einstein  Let me ask you another question. If you were sick, would you go to a doctor whose medical knowledge and training is based on the sciences of the 17 th century? The answer is predicable.  Yet, it surprises people when they learn that our prevailing worldview and the way we work and relate to each other are deeply influenced by the thinking that originated in the 17 th century! This worldview is often referred to as the “Machine-Age” thinking. Order, hierarchy, predictability, stability, control, absolute, replaceable parts, and individuality characterize this thinking, aka,  reductionist . The machine metaphor still persists in our vocabulary and consciousness: “Cogs in the Wheel”, “Wheels of Government”, and “Machine

Why This Blog?

For long I have been asking myself this question: Why the human race, despite all its achievements has got stock with the “either-or” mindset: I can either be a vegan or a meat eater, a Christian or a Muslim, a democrat or a republication. Why not Both, why not All?    I believe our education and upbringing have conditioned us to see life in fragments: mine, yours, theirs. This has caused a collective mindset of separation and isolation with considerable cost – personal, social and material – leading to, among others, disconnection, loneliness, and anxiety. Could seeing the big picture change that?